Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: Cyber game
Look at the Case Folder, and you’ll see the puzzle symbols H and I on it. Be prepared to use the folder in those two puzzles!
Puzzle A B C D E F G H I Endgame
Puzzle A
You have read Part 1 of the story and revealed the Evidence Card marked “Start”. You have found an ‘alarm’ sticker in cell 1 of the Investigation Image. Now, take Evidence Card 1 and start solving Puzzle A.
There is a black-and-white string coming from the “Enter” button on the control panel of the home alarm system. Another “Enter” button is located on the computer keyboard in cell 18 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 18 and start solving puzzle A.
Now, the original card tells you you need six numbers for the solution. They are the numbers you insert into the home alarm module to deactivate the alarm. The second card shows you images of things that might have inspired Adam when selecting a code for this device. Looking at the control panel again, you can see that 4 of the number buttons have been used more than the others. Those buttons are the buttons 1, 2, 3, and 6. Looking at the newspapers on the other card, we can spot that only the Evening Tribune one with the assassination of Kennedy on the first page shows a date that uses all of the four numbers we are interested in. However, the date on the newspaper is made up of eight separate digits, while we only need six. Well, the 9 is a number we don’t want, and that may remind us that we can easily express that same date in six digits.
The solution to puzzle A is the date of the assassination of Kennedy expressed with six digits: 112263.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, find a ‘rocket’ on the table in cell 12 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 12.
Puzzle B
Evidence Card 12 told you to look for a ‘monitor’. It’s in cell 13 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 13 and start solving Puzzle B.
This card shows the “cell + cell” symbol, which means we will be looking for a certain number of items and adding together the numbers of the cells we find the items in. The card tells you what you are looking for. This time it is quite straightforward: you are looking for 5 screens.
Let’s start where we just were, in cell 13 of the Investigation Image. There we’ll naturally find the main screen. The next-biggest one is the tablet on the shelf in cell 6. Next comes the mobile phone on the upper shelf in cell 7. The fourth one is the mini arcade cabinet in cell 14, and the last one is a little trickier. You’ll find an old-fashioned calculator with a long LED screen in cell 12.
And that’s it! Let’s add those cells together and we’ll have the solution: 13 + 6 + 7 + 14 + 12 = 52.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, find a ‘bottle’ in cell 27 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 27.
Puzzle C
Evidence Card 27 prompted you to find ‘papers’ from the Investigation Image. You’ll find some papers on top of the yellow toolbox in cell 20 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 20 and start solving Puzzle C.
There is a black-and-white string coming from the letter A near the lower edge of the card. We’ll find a decorative letter A on the top of the shelf in cell 6. Take card 6 and you’re ready to solve puzzle C.
You have to figure out which of the passwords from the password list (on card 20) to use next in order to access the computer. Looking at the passwords on card 6, we realize they all consist of 4 separate parts. Giving them a closer look, we realize each part follows its own set of logic. Let’s start from the first part…
The first 5 passwords alternate evenly between only two instances: A1 and A2. Since 5 is A1 and you are looking for password 6, you end up with A2. Now, the next part seems to have a longer rotation cycle. You have 12, 24, 36, 12, and 24 for the 5 given passwords. Following that same cycle, you will get 36 for your password. The third one is built from 2 letters. The given letter pairs are AZ, AY, BY, BX, and CX. Studying those letters, you find a pattern. A and Z are the first and last letters of the English alphabet. A and Y again are the first and second to last letter. So, the first letter remained unchanged, while the second letter’s position changed by -1. Now, the third pair of letters is BY. This time, the first letter has changed from an A to a B, so +1, while the second letter remains unchanged. All right, we’re starting to see a system here!
For the fourth pair, you have BX, so again, first is unchanged, second changes by -1. And the fifth is the opposite: for CX, the first letter has changed by +1 while the second is unchanged. So, when you apply the -1 for the second letter to CX, you get CW for your password. And the last bit: we have the numbers 03, 06, 12, 24, and 04. You may realize that 06 is 03 doubled, and that 12 is 06 doubled, and finally that 24 is 12 doubled. But then you fall back to 04… But hey! Maybe it’s a 4-step cycle where the value is doubled for each step, after which you return to the first number +1! So now you are at the beginning of a new cycle and have 04. When you double that, you get 08!
Solution: A2 36 CW 08.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, look for ‘Harvard’ from the Investigation Image. You will find a mug with a Harvard text on it in cell 26, so take Evidence Card 26.
Puzzle D
Evidence Card 26 prompts you to look for a ‘code’, and you’ll find a famous line of code framed on the wall in cell 11 of the Investigation Image. So, take Evidence Card 11 and solve Puzzle D.
To solve this puzzle, you’ll have to use the inside of the box lid.
Evidence Card 11 shows a Command Prompt and the values 4, 3, and 1 for the variables a, b, and c. It also tells you, with the four question marks, that the solution you are looking for consists of four numbers. Now, how can you reach that solution?
First, you need some kind of program where you can use the variables given to you. This is where the inside of the box lid is needed. When you look at the computer windows inside the lid, you see that the upper left corner shows the same “Command Prompt” text and even the four question marks of the solution. Let’s align the card using those visual aids.
Now, when you look lower down in the computer window the variables are in, you’ll encounter a “BEGIN” text. According to the small vocabulary in the extra window on the card, that means that a program is starting. Next you encounter the word “LOOP” which (according to the vocabulary) means you should perform the actions below several times if necessary. Let’s perform them once first: “a = a + 1”. “a” was 4, but now becomes 4 + 1, so “a” is now 5. Then “b” becomes “b + 3”. “b” was 3, but now becomes 3 + 3, so 6. The next line tells you you should run this loop UNTIL “a” is greater than 5. That condition is not yet met, since “a” is 5 at the moment, and 5 is not greater than 5. So, you run the loop once more and we’ll see what happens! “a” again increases by one and becomes 6. “b” again increases by 3 and becomes 9. Now “a” is greater than 5 and you can go to the next line. It tells you to START “Program1” if “b” is greater than “a”, and otherwise you should START “Program2”. In your case, “b” (9) is greater than “a” (6), so you start “Program1”.
Program1, in the computer window in the upper right corner of the box lid, tells you to LOOP “c = a + c” UNTIL “c” is greater than 10. So let’s start: “c” is 1 at the moment, but now becomes 1 + 6, so 7. Since 7 is not greater than 10, do it again. 7 becomes 7 + 6 (the value of “a”), so 13. 13 is greater than 10 so now you reach the IF line of Program1. It tells you to modify the value of “b” since “c” is smaller than 30. However, since “b” is 9 at the moment, it doesn’t change: “b = c – a + 2” becomes “b = 13 – 6 + 2” which also is 9. Now, you go BACK to the original program and reach the “TAKE CARD” line. You are supposed to “TAKE CARD” “a + b – c”. That means 6 + 9 -13, which is 2! Take card 2 and start the next part of the puzzle!
When you lay Evidence Card 2 on top of Evidence Card 11, you get new values for the variables. When you start running the first loop again, the following happens: “a” was 6 but becomes 7. “b” was 3 but becomes 6. Now “a” is greater than 5, so you reach the next line. “b” (6) is not greater than “a” (7) so this time you start “Program2” in the lower right corner of the box lid. You’ll start by checking whether “c” is smaller than “a”. “c” is an unmodified 1, while “a” has changed into 7. “c” is smaller than “a” so “c” changes into “c * 2”. 1 multiplied with 2 is 2. “c” is now 2. Next, you check whether “a” (7) is greater than “b” (6). It is, so “a” becomes 4. Last, you check whether “b” (6) is greater than “a” (4), and it is, so “b” becomes 2. That sends you back to the “TAKE CARD” line of the original program. “a + b – c” becomes 4 + 2 – 2, which is 4.
When you take Evidence Card 4, it shows you the solution: 1001. Whew!
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. It guides you to look for ‘palm’ trees. You’ll find a calendar on the wall in cell 3 of the Investigation Image. In the calendar image, you see some palm trees. Take Evidence Card 3.
Puzzle E
Evidence Card 3 prompts you to look for a ‘robot lawn mower’. One is hiding in the shadows of cell 19 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 19 and start solving Puzzle E.
Evidence Card 19 shows a black-and-white string coming from a yellow arrow, and it has the number two next to it. That means we need to find two arrows from the Investigation Image. We’ll find the first one on the side of an energy drink can on the desk in cell 17. The other one is on the One-Way sign partially hidden by the hood of the car in cell 25. So, let’s take Evidence Cards 17 and 25. Now you can solve Puzzle E!
Let’s start with the main card, Evidence Card 19. It seems to say you’ll need 4 numbers for the solution, and the question marks are of different sizes… Hey, wasn’t there something funny on the text card that lead you here? Yes! The text smallest to biggest is in green italics. OK, maybe you’ll get 3 numbers, and you’ll place them in order from the smallest to the biggest, and perhaps one of them will be with 2 digits. That way you’ll have 4 numbers in the solution. Let’s see if it works out.
Let’s start with the first code on that main card. It tells you VAR equals 10. Next, it asks you to check whether VAR is smaller than 10. It is not since it is 10. Thus, you follow the FALSE track to the next check. This time, you check to see whether VAR is greater than 10. It is not since it is 10. So again, you follow the FALSE path and reach END! The VAR value you carried from start to finish is 10! Two digits… Hmm, could this be the greatest value you will get?
Next, you’ll do card 17. You start with a VAR value of 30. Right in the next step, you are told VAR becomes divided by two. No problem, VAR is now 15. Next, you check to see whether VAR is 10. It is not since it is 15. So, you follow the FALSE path and reach a new check. Is VAR greater than 10? Yes, it is 15. This time you follow the TRUE path and get a new value for VAR. VAR becomes 2. From there, you follow the yellow arrow upwards and reach the same check again: Is VAR 10? No, it is 2. You follow the FALSE path left again and are asked whether VAR is greater than 10. It is not since it is 2. So, this time you follow the FALSE path left, and again you are dealt a new value for VAR: 1. This time the arrow takes you to the END of the program. You reached the END with the VAR value 1.
It’s time for the last card, Evidence Card 25. This time the value of VAR is 3. In the next step, it is multiplied by itself, so 3 * 3 = 9. VAR is now 9. Next, you check to see whether VAR is 11. It is not since it is 9. You follow the FALSE path left where a subprogram is started. The value of SUB is VAR +1. That means that the value of SUB is 10. Next, you are asked whether SUB is greater than 9. It is since it is 10. In the next step, however, the value of VAR changes. It grows by one. It was 9, but now it’s 10. You reach the same check following the yellow arrow upwards: Is VAR 11? It is not since it is now 10. Going left along the FALSE path, you reach the same SUB program, this time SUB’s value becomes 11. It is still greater than 9 so again you follow TRUE, and again VAR grows by one in the next step. VAR becomes 11. You follow the arrow upwards and encounter the same check. Is VAR 11? Yes, VAR is 11. This time you go to the right along the TRUE path. Again, a SUB program starts. SUB gets the value 11-1, so 10. You are then asked whether SUB is greater than 8, and it is. It’s 10. This takes you along the TRUE path to the right where VAR is given a new value: 8. And that is the value you bring to the end.
So, you got 10 from the first card, 1 from the second card, and 8 from the last card. If you string those numbers together, starting with the smallest value and going up, you’ll get 1810. That’s the solution! And whew again!
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, find a ‘phone’ on the shelf in cell 7 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 7.
Puzzle F
Evidence Card 7 prompts you to look for something ‘hooded’ in the Investigation Image. Without struggling too much, you may find a hooded figurine with a certain senatorial look on the warehouse shelf near the right wall. It’s in cell 10, so take Evidence Card 10 and solve puzzle F.
On Evidence Card 10, there is a black-and-white string coming from the speaker symbol on the computer screen. You will find a portable speaker on the shelf in cell 9. Take Evidence Card 9, and you are ready to solve the puzzle.
Your second card tells you you need four letters for your answer. Now, the two cards look almost identical, but are they really? When you look closely at the characters the body of the original card is made up of, you’ll see the only letter used there is the letter “S”. All other characters are mathematic symbols and punctuation marks. Now, if you turn your gaze to the extra card, you’ll see the situation is different there. You’ll find two lines that include some other letters as well. On both lines, there are two groups of such letters. So, all together you have four groups of characters that differ between the two cards. Sounds promising! Now, in the first group the “S” letters have been replaced with “A” letters. In the second group, they have been replaced with “D” letters. Then on the next line you first encounter a group of “A” letters again, and finally you find a group of “M” letters.
You get the solution if you string those characters together in the order they would be read if the cards showed regular text, so in the order you just found them: ADAM. That is the solution!
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, look for ‘planes’ in the Investigation Image. You’ll find a single model plane on the top of the shelf in cell 5. Take Evidence Card 5.
Puzzle G
Evidence Card 5 prompts you to look for a ‘folder’. You’ll find a yellow folder lying on the floor, partially under the shelf, in cell 22. Take Evidence Card 22 and start solving puzzle G!
There is a black-and-white string coming from the black star symbol on the computer window. You’ll find a star sticker on one of the drawers of the tool cabinet in cell 21. Take Evidence Card 21 and you’re all set to solve puzzle G.
You’ll probably realize the two cards can be lined up to form a single image of a long password window, so do that first. Now, in the center of this window, you’ll see someone has already inserted a password, but three of the digits are not shown. Instead, there are asterisks in their places. When you look at the inserted password, you see that it consists of letters and numbers. You also spot the “?_?” symbols that tell you you need to find a number, a letter, and another number. You can assume that the three asterisks will give you this combination of characters once you solve them.
Let’s start! When you look at the inserted characters, you spot a letter in the first position, then three numbers, then a letter in the fifth position, then the asterisks make it difficult to know what’s going on. However, if you assume you are trying to figure out the values of the asterisks, and assume the solution to this puzzle will be the asterisk values read from left to right, then you can also assume that the first asterisk will be a number (first character of the solution clue is a “?”), the second asterisk will be a letter (“_”), and the last one will be a number again (“?”). With those kinds of characters inserted instead of the asterisk, you see the original rhythm of letters and numbers would repeat throughout the password: letter, three numbers, letter, three numbers, letter, and so on. Now let’s solve those asterisks with these thoughts in our mind.
You can see the string of characters as a single sequence, and if you give each letter a numerical value, it becomes a quite simple sequence (so A is 1 since it’s the first letter of the alphabet, and C is 3, being the third letter): 1 4 2 5 3 * 4 7 * *. You can see that you add 3 to the 1 to get 4, then subtract 2 to reach 2, and then you just repeat! Add 3, subtract 2, add 3, subtract 2… so you get 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8, and then you just need to change positions 1, 5, and 9 to letters. In position 9, you have number 5, and the 5th letter is E. Then you’ll have A 4 2 5 C 6 4 7 E 8. The characters in place of the asterisks are: 6 E 8.
NOTE: You can also reach the same solution using at least one other approach. Seeing the password as a combination of two intertwined sequences is also possible. That shows you very easily that the letter you’re looking for is E. You have A and C, and moving ahead with the same rhythm (2 steps in the alphabet) you’ll land on E. But then the numbers: you see that the two last numbers of the second group of three numbers are 4 and 7. That works, as 4 is 3 less than 7, just like 2 is 3 less than 5. Now, the first number should be two higher than the second number, so in the second group (by the first asterisk) it should be a 6. Then the second asterisk is the E, and then we need the last asterisk. That is the first number of a third group of three numbers (so to speak, we don’t see the other two numbers). Now, the first number of the first group is 4, the first number of the second group is 6, which is the previous group’s first number plus two. In the same way, you can get the last asterisk: it should be two higher than the first number of the previous group, so 6 + 2 = 8.
Solution: 6 E 8.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, find an ‘engine’ in the shelf along the right wall. It is in cell 15 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 15.
Puzzle H
The word ‘grid’ is underlined in Evidence Card 15, so let’s look for it. We’ll find a calendar grid on the wall of cell 8 in the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 8 and solve puzzle H.
OK, you’ve reached puzzle H, and you remember you saw the H symbol on the Case Folder, so let’s grab the folder and try to work out what to do!
The card tells you to look for four numbers, and then there’s an arrow in four shades of yellow/orange pointing from left to right. Maybe the arrow is telling you something about the color of the numbers you’re supposed to find?
Now what about the folder then? Inside the folder, you find a poster for Cyber Robotic Innovations, and the main object on the poster is a picture of transportation happening on some kind of digitalized freeway system.
You’ll notice that the card shows the same squares that the folder picture is made up of, but the squares on the card are in a different order. You need to rotate the card so that the arrow and the question marks are at the bottom. That way the contents of the squares are orientated the same way as in the folder picture. Now, looking at the card picture, you may realize that there are chopped up numbers in most of the squares. Maybe you are expected to switch the positions of the squares on the card so as to form the same picture you see in the folder? Well, that isn’t possible without breaking the card, and that is not something you wish to do, so let’s find another solution instead.
Start at the bottom left corner, where you see what looks like the top of a number four. Let’s check to see whether you are right. Looking at the folder picture, you can find out that the proper location of this square is actually at the bottom right corner of the grid. Next to it, you see a truck entering the square from the top right corner. There’s only one such square in the picture, and on the card you find it in the center of the top row. Now, when you mentally grab that square and move it next to the original square in the bottom left corner, you’ll see it beautifully finishes the number four you thought you saw. And while you are there, let’s check the second digit on the square you just mentally moved. It is located at the top next to the truck that is entering the square. Looking again at the folder picture, you’ll see that the square that goes above that one is the only square with a full truck in it. That square is easy to locate from the card. It is in the bottom right corner. Mentally moving this square above the center of the top row, you’ll see how the top parts of a number seven line up beautifully.
Next, you’ll tackle the digit found partly in the top left corner of the card. You can see most of a Wi-Fi symbol near the upper right corner of that square, and the back end of a truck in the bottom left corner. Let’s see if you can find a square like that from the folder. The Wi-Fi symbol is fairly easy to find. You find it to the far right on the middle row. Above that one, you see a square that shows two bigger hexagons near the center: a globe and a house, and two smaller hexagons with cars in the lower corner. Yes, you’ll easily find that square from the card. It’s in the center of the bottom row. Now for the mental gymnastics. You’ll see that the number that is formed when you mentally move the two squares is the number two. Then you’ll only have one digit left to solve: The one you can see part of at the far left of the center row of the card. And since the only half digit you haven’t used is found at the far right of the same row, you can do the mental moving immediately. When the two squares are joined, you’ll see that a three is formed. Those are the four digits.
Then for the order of the numbers. The arrow shows a darker shade of orange to the left and by the first question mark. Looking at the numbers, you’ll see that the 4 is shown in a shade darker than the others. That’s your first digit. Next up is the 7. Then it’s maybe a bit harder to see which one is darker of the 2 and the 3, but the 2 is darker, which can quite clearly be seen if you compare the bottom half of the 2 to the bottom half of the 3 found far right on the middle row. So, the 2 is darker than the 3.
Solution: 4723.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Next, find a ‘globe’ on the top of the tool cabinet in cell 16, and take Evidence Card 16.
Puzzle I
Evidence Card 6 prompts you to look for something locked or a ‘lock’ of some kind. You’ll find a traditional padlock on the desk in cell 14. Take Evidence Card 14 and solve Puzzle I.
Puzzle I is the second puzzle where you’ll use the Case Folder. Let’s grab it again!
Wow, that’s a nice set of folders on the card, but there’s also a black-and-white string coming from a lightning symbol on the bottom right folder. You can find another lightning symbol on the car’s dashboard in cell 30 of the Investigation Image. Let’s grab Evidence Card 30 and get cracking!
Now, the piece of paper near the bottom of the inside of the folder shows a sequence of symbols. You see that the same symbols can be seen on the folders, so you seem to be looking for 8 folders. And maybe the extra card you found can help you change the ones and zeroes you’ll find into a three-digit solution!
Now, let’s see if you can make a path from symbol to symbol, landing you squarely on the padlock folder after the eighth step. You’re supposed to start with a lightning symbol, but there are many of them. The same goes for the Norwegian Ø, but the third symbol is promising. There’s only one folder showing the trident-like Psi from the Greek alphabet. Let’s try to find the starting point with the help of this third symbol. Starting there and going backwards, you are now supposed to find the Norwegian Ø. Following the indication of the arrows around the folders, you can assume you are supposed to only move in straight lines. There’s actually a single Ø like that in a straight-line movement from the Psi folder. It’s a single step upwards from the Psi folder. And standing on the Ø folder, you need to find a lightning symbol in order to locate the starting point for this whole thing. Again, there is only a single lightning symbol in a straight line from where you stand. It is found two steps to the right. That folder is where you’ll start!
Let’s mark down the 0 from that first folder. Then you go to the Norwegian Ø folder two steps to the left (since that is the only one that will take you to the Psi next). You get a 1 from that folder. Next, go one step down the Psi folder and get another 1 there. Next, look for what is actually Pi from the Greek alphabet, although very simplified. The only one you can reach is in the top left folder. There you get a 0. Next, you need another lightning. The only one you can reach is two steps to the right, where you get a 1. Next, you need the Norwegian Ø again, and for that you go three steps down. Collect a 1 there. Then, you need the German ß which is two steps to the right and gives you a 0. Finally, the last one is the padlock two steps up. The last number you collect is a 1. So, you get 01101101.
OK! You can now insert that number sequence into the table on card 30. That tells you you need to add together 64, 32, 8, 4, and 1. That makes 109.
Solution: 109.
Follow the cipher to the Story Booklet. Find the ‘sledgehammer’ in cell 28 of the Investigation Image and reveal the last card, Evidence Card 28.
You found the ‘sledgehammer’ in cell 28 of the Investigation Image and took Evidence Card 28. The card tells you to read Part 3 of the story. It’s time to make your final choice.
If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out “STOP ADAM’S ACCESS”.
Neither reasoning with Adam nor using a USB stick seems appropriate, while pulling the computer offline probably would limit Adam’s access. Choose option c) and take Evidence Card 29 to discover how the story ends.