Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: Stavanger 2024
Puzzle A B C D E F G H I Endgame
Puzzle A
You have read Part 1 of the story and revealed the Evidence card marked “Start”. You have found some ‘keys’ behind the device in cell 14 of the Investigation Image. Now, take Evidence Card 14 and start solving Puzzle A.
Evidence Card 14 shows the key cabinet where you should try to find the key to the sick bay door. Here you have to think back on what you’ve read about the sick bay. You may remember that there’s supposed to be a soda machine opposite the door to the sick bay. Looking at the floor plan on card 14, you will realize the sick bay has to be the upper one of the two orange rooms against the left edge of the plan. Now we need to find out which key to use to get in there.
In its correct form the solution to this puzzle is a single letter ( _ ). In some language versions, the card falsely asks for a solution in the form of a letter and a number ( _? ). The solution is still a single letter.
We’ll realize there is a key for each room on the floor plan. We can also spot three keys with orange key rings. Now we just need to find out which one is the one we need. First, we need to find out the numbers of the orange rooms. We can spot a numbering logic that works throughout the plan. You’ll see that each color is internally numbered without connection to the other colors. The top left room is always number 1. And “top” takes precedence before “left”, as we can see in colors blue and purple. This numbering theory can be tested on any of the colors, but you will see it works in all colors. Following this logic, you will easily number the orange sick bay: it is orange room number 1.
The final step is then for you to find the correct key for orange room number 1. You will easily find the keys for rooms 2 and 3, and that tells you that the key for room number 1 has to be the one that doesn’t show properly. The actual solution to this puzzle is the letter tag above the correct key: letter tag E. If your card asks for a letter and a number, you will of course end up with “E1”, but the Crime File Card still has the solution as just the “E”. Sorry for the mistake there!
Solution: E.
Take Crime File Card A and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘phone’ in cell 4 on top of the shelf, leaning against the wall. Maybe not so easy to spot but take Evidence Card 4 anyway!
Puzzle B
You followed the cipher and found the ‘phone’ in cell 4 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 4.
Evidence Card 4 guides you to search for a ‘pen’ in the Investigation Image. You’ll find one on the desk in cell 20, so take Evidence Card 20 and start solving puzzle B.
The symbol on the card tells you this is an observation puzzle, which means you should spot things from the Investigation Image and add together the values of the cells in which you find the things. On this card, you see four numbered photos. Maybe you should try to find those from the image! Let’s try!
In cell 3, stuck partly behind the poster on the wall, you see photo number 4 with stickered shop windows. That’s number 3 then.
In cell 9, lying flat on the shelf, partly hidden by the pile of books, you see something reddish, which could be the brick wall of photo number 3. So that one is number 9.
In cell 12, inside the glass doors of the cabinet, you find photo number 2 with its block of flats. That’s number 12.
And of course, photo number 1 is inside the picture frame on the desk in cell 20. That’s number 20.
Now add together all the numbers you collected: 3 + 9 + 12 + 20, so 12 + 12 + 20 = 44.
Solution: 44.
Take Crime File Card B and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a shattered ‘mug’ on the floor in cell 17 of the Investigation Image, near the IV stand. Take Evidence Card 17.
Puzzle C
You followed the cipher and found a ‘mug’ in cell 17 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 17.
Evidence Card 17 guides you to search for a ‘password’ in the Investigation Image. You’ll find a login screen with what most probably is a username and a password field on the laptop screen in cell 19. Evidence Card 19 has a black-and-white string that seems to be coming from the picture of the carrots in the window. Take Evidence Card 19. You’ll find the extra card from the carrots on the poster on the wall in cell 3 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 3, too. Now you are ready to solve puzzle C. It’s a pretty cool puzzle!
Your job is to figure out the password that Bjørn discovered. You have a very big clue in Evidence Card 3, where you can see exactly how many characters the password consists of. When you count those little blobs, you’ll see there are 15 of them. The only thing you have to go on are the photos on the second card. You notice that there is a name on each of them. In photo number 1, we have the name ‘NORDLYS’ for the pub. In photo number 2, we have ‘FJELLTOPPEN’ for the apartment building. The brick library in photo 3 is called ‘KULTURHJØRNET’ and the grocery store in photo 4 is called ‘EPLEHAGEN’. The names are 7, 11, 13, and 9 characters long, respectively. But you need 15 characters. Now, each photo also has a year written on it. Each year is expressed with 4 numbers… So, if one of the names was 11 characters long, it would make 15 together with 4 numbers. So, it has to be 2015FJELLTOPPEN, or FJELLTOPPEN2015, so photo number 2.
The solution is 2.
Take Crime File Card C and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find some bags and ampules of ‘blood’ inside the cabinet in cell 11 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 11.
Puzzle D
You followed the cipher and found ‘blood’ in cell 11 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 11.
Evidence Card 11 guides you to search for ‘month’ in the Investigation Image. ‘Month’ has actually appeared in a couple of earlier Crime Scene games, and I think you’ve always looked for the same thing: a calendar. This time you’ll find a desk calendar on the floor in cell 13 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 13 and start solving Puzzle D.
First, there is a black-and-white string that seems to come from the magnifying glass on the computer screen on the card. You’ll find the magnifying glass under the patient bed in cell 22 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 22 as well. On these two cards, you have a list of people who have had accidents recently, and you have a shift schedule that shows you where people have been working and between which times. The story has told you about what you’re doing. You’re trying to find “two illogical details”.
The only thing you can do is start comparing the information on the two cards. You’ll realize that most accidents have happened during the work shifts of the patients but one is different in that sense: the accident of Sven Haugen has happened on the 21st of August at 20:20 (8:20 pm). His work shift, however, has ended at 17:00 (5 pm). Sven is one of the two people you are looking for, and his number on the “Accidents card” is 3.
Then you have a second piece of information: the location of the accident. Again, you’ll realize that most accidents have happened in an area, where the person has been performing his duties. And again, one accident is different in that sense: the accident of Lars Sørensen has happened on the Weather Deck, while he only has duties in the Control Room, on the Drill Floor, and in the Engine Room. He is the second person you are looking for, and his number is 6.
With no separate indication concerning the order of the numbers, just read them in the order they appear on the card. Solution: 36.
Take Crime File Card D and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘sun’ on a bottle of vitamins behind the glass door of the cabinet in cell 8 of the Investigation Image. Go ahead and take Evidence Card 8.
Puzzle E
You followed the cipher and found a ‘sun’ in cell 8 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 8.
Evidence Card 8 prompts you to look for a ‘beer can’, and you’ll find a flattened can, partly behind the desk, in cell 24. It may well be an empty beer can, so take Evidence Card 24. Now you are ready to start solving puzzle E.
You’ll have to start by looking for an extra card that probably could have something to do with a measuring tape. You’ll find a similar yellow one on the worktop in cell 7 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 7. Now you are ready to solve Puzzle E.
The cards show eight shelves in what could be a warehouse of some kind. Each shelf is numbered, and the solution is also a single number, as shown by the single question mark. So, you probably need to single out one of the eight shelves, and submit that as your solution. Again, the only thing you can do, is start examining the different bags, packages, and bottles, trying to find one that somehow stands out from the others. You may soon find that one of the sacks of rice on shelf number 4 looks suspicious. It has been stitched together in a way none of the other sacks has, and there is something white near the stitching on the sacks beneath. This is what you were looking for!
Solution: 4.
Take Crime File Card E and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘coffee’ stain on the sheet of paper on the floor in cell 29 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 29.
Puzzle F
You followed the cipher and found a ‘coffee’ stain in cell 29 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 29.
Evidence Card 29 prompts you to look for ‘bags’, but the rules have told you that even if this word is in plural, you probably need to look for only a single thing. So, try to spot a bag on the IV stand. The bag is in cell 6 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 6 and start solving puzzle F.
Your first job is to find an extra card following the black-and-white string coming from the banana in the lower left corner of Card 6. You’ll find a banana peel partly out of the trash can in cell 25 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 25. Now you can solve puzzle F.
You see 9 numbered objects, and the second card tells you your solution should consist of 5 numbers. What five numbers could they be after here? Here the clue comes from the text you read just before reaching this puzzle. In the very last sentence on the card, you see 5 things mentioned that Bjørn takes pictures of with his phone. See if you can find those 5 things, then string those 5 numbers together in the order mentioned on the text card.
First, ‘the pig’ or pigging cylinder. You have learned that these pigs too are pink cylinders, and you can actually find a pink pig only partly visible on Card 25. The only number that could be describing it is the number 8, so that’s your first number. Then the ‘bags’. You find bags with something white inside on the floor near the pig. They seem to be number 7. Third, you have ‘the books in the office’ and find paperwork on the desk of Card 6. Those papers are number 2. Fourth, you have ‘the people involved’ and can find some photos of people near the other edge of the desk. They are number 3. And finally, you should look for ‘stacks of cash’ that have now been taken out of the drawer and placed on the chair. They are number 5.
String the numbers together and you get the solution: 87235.
Take Crime File Card F and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘knife’ perched on the edge of the worktop in cell 12 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 12.
Puzzle G
You followed the cipher and found a ‘knife’ in cell 12 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 12.
Evidence Card 12 tells you to look for a ‘torch’, and you’ll find one lying on the floor under the chair in cell 27 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 27. Now you are ready to solve puzzle E.
Hard to say what you have found just yet, but there’s a black-and-white string on the card. It comes from a sticker with a lightning symbol on it. You will find a lightning symbol on a different sticker in cell 1 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 1, too.
You can line the two cards up next to each other, forming an opened electrical cabinet. The card you just read tells you what to do: you need to shut down all the lights. On Card 1, you see that 4 lights are burning, and they seem to be named A, C, E, and G. Just based on the fact that the first one is A, and the last one is G, and the other card says you can use the letters from A to G. That is four letters, and your solution should also be four letters… But what about the Roman numerals there? The first switch on the panel marked with the Roman I cannot be the one that controls light A. If it was, lights C (third on the first panel) and D (first on the second panel) should also be turned off, and you know that light D is not turned on. Aha! The switches on the lower panel (I) control the three last lights – E, F, and G! So, our two first letters come from that panel, and are E and G. Then we go to the Roman II (that controls the first 4 lights), and turn off lights A and C. That’s it!
Solution: EGAC.
Take Crime File Card G and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a light ‘switch’ on the wall near the very edge of the game board in cell 15 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 15.
Puzzle H
You followed the cipher and found a ‘switch’ in cell 15 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 15.
Evidence Card 15 guides you to search for a ‘sea’ in the sick bay… Oh, there are some illustrated stormy waves on the shelf in cell 10 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 10.
Evidence Card 10 has a black-and-white string that comes from the H on the Helicopter landing pad. You’ll find a big letter H on the seeing test chart on the wall in cell 2 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 2 and get cracking!
Again, you have to rely on what you just read from Card 15. You know you are trying to reach the sea level but have to get some gear on the way. You’ll see your own position marked on Deck 3, and you’ll see where you’re headed on Deck 1. The cards also tell you that you need to collect 5 numbers on the way. So, when you move through a number, you collect it. The card gives you the info on how you move.
The only way to reach the marked position on Deck 1 is to start by going down the A stairs on Deck 3, that gives you the number 6. Right at the A landing on Deck 2, you collect a 5, and then following the instructions in the text you run back and to the right to get your life jacket. Then you retrace your steps and reach the 5 by the A landing again. After collecting the 5 again, you need to find a flare gun. It’s right ahead and to your left. Pick it up and go down the D stairs right near the flare guns. At the stairs you collect a 2. And coming down the stairs, you reach the D landing on Deck 1 and collect a 7 while running straight through it and towards the un-numbered F stairs. Then you just head down the F stairs and find your way to the marked spot without collecting any further numbers!
String the numbers together in that order, and you’ll have the solution: 65527.
Take Crime File Card H and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find the oil company ‘Celizon’ in some form from the Investigation Image. You’ll find the company logo on another piece of paper on the floor in cell 28 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 28.
Puzzle I
You followed the cipher and found ‘Celizon’ in cell 28 of the Investigation Image. Now take Evidence Card 28.
Evidence Card 28 guides you to search for ‘fire’ in the Investigation Image. Ooh! You find a box of matches on the floor (again) in cell 16, and it has a picture of a flame on it. Take Evidence Card 16 and start solving Puzzle I.
Evidence Card 16 has a black-and-white string coming from what seems to be an exclamation mark inside a triangle. Further, there is the number 3 by the string. This time you need to find three exclamation marks from three different cells. You’ll find one on the back of the ledger up on the shelf in cell 5. Another one is on the bottle on the floor in cell 18, and the third one is on the leg of the bed in cell 23. Go ahead and take Evidence Cards 5, 18, and 23 and you can solve Puzzle I.
Okay! Your job is to swim to the boat without being caught by the spotlights searching for you! This is how the puzzle works. Swimming to the boat takes time, and while you are swimming, the spotlights perform their movements. Each spotlight trail is divided into 8 shorter segments. They can be seen as minutes for example. The original card tells you your solution will consist of 8 letters, so for each minute the spotlights move, you’ll swim through a new square of the sea. That way you will collect 8 letters on your way to the boat and reach the boat on the last minute. Let’s try!
For the first move, you see that the spotlights cover squares A, B, and D. That means you have to jump into Square C for your move number 1. For your move number 2, you could go to the left into B or straight ahead into G. It would be problematic going on from B for the third move, so choose G for your second move. You see that two of the spotlights reach the edge of square G, but none enter it on the second minute. Then the third move: you can’t go straight ahead or to the left, and neither to the right. Now you’ll see the arrows on the original card. They seem to say you can also move diagonally. Forward and to the left is the only possible move here. That moves you into square J. Shots are being fired into square K, so that’s no good for move 4. All three spaces ahead of you are swept by the spotlights, so they are no good either. The only option that remains is swimming straight to the left, into square I.
For move 5, you are stopped by a spotlight to the right and diagonally to the right. Along the left edge where you are, only one option remains, which is straight ahead along the edge. That moves you into square M. Then move 6. To the right and straight ahead are blocked, diagonally to the right is open. That’s the correct choice, so go there. It is square R, and you’re getting close to the boat now. For move 7, no move ahead is possible: square U is being shot at, and V and W are blocked by spotlights. Swimming to the right is possible, so swim into square S. Your final move should move you to the boat, let’s see how that happens. Diagonally to the left and straight ahead are not possible. To the right would not let you reach the boat. So diagonally into square X is the only option!
String the letters together to get your solution: CGJIMRSX.
Take Crime File Card I and follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘camera’ on the floor in cell 30 of the Investigation Image. Take the last Evidence Card, Evidence Card 30.
You found the ‘Camera’ in cell 30 of the Investigation Image and took Evidence Card 30. The card instructs you to read Part 3 of the story. It is time to make your final choice.
If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out “GRAB THE PISTOL”. The right course of action is a) Do not focus on Olav, since neither of the other options allows for grabbing the gun. Take Evidence Card 9 and see how the story ends.