Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: Lazio 1356 game
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Puzzle A B C D E F G H I Endgame
Puzzle A
You have read Part 1 of the story, and revealed the Evidence Card marked “Start.” Find a ‘loaf’ in cell 10 of the Crime Scene image, take Evidence Card 10, and solve Puzzle A.
The symbol in the corner of this Evidence Card tells you that you need to add up the number of some cells. There are five food items listed on the card. Can you find them in the Crime Scene Image? The nut is in cell 4; the apple in cell 15; the lemon in cell 14; the cheese in cell 23; and the water melons in cell 24.
When you add up the numbers of the cells, you will get the solution: 80.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find ‘grass’ in cell 3, and take Evidence Card 3.
Puzzle B
You followed the cypher and found ‘grass’ in cell 3. Now take Evidence Card 3.
Evidence Card 3 guides you to search for a ‘wash pot’ in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 9, so take Evidence Card 9. It has two strands of black-and-white rosary beads on it, so you need two extra cards to solve Puzzle B. The strands start from the eyes on the ground, and the dove next to the eyes. In the story, it is suspected that the eyes had probably belonged to a cat. There is a cat in cell 23 in the Crime Scene image, and you’ll find the dove in cell 6. Take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Line up the two extra cards by matching the lines on the short sides, and place the third Evidence Card (with the wash pot) underneath, matching the lines. Now, you can see that the intersecting lines form three new triangles, and each of them has stones in them. The scribble on the side of the wash pot shows you are looking for 3 numbers, and should start from the top. So, count the stones in the top triangle first, then the middle triangle, and finally the bottom one. Solution: 324.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find a ‘rope’ in cell 27, and take Evidence Card 27.
Puzzle C
You followed the cypher and found a ‘rope’ in cell 27. Now take Evidence Card 27.
Evidence Card 3 guides you to search for a ‘horse’ in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 29, so take Evidence Card 29 and start solving Puzzle C.
There is one strand of black-and-white rosary beads near some bolts in the corner of the card. You find more bolts in cell 13 of the Crime Scene image, so take the corresponding Evidence Card. Each wheel represents the face of a clock, and the black arrow in the middle is the hour hand. The symbol on the side of the cart on card 29 shows you how to identify 12 o’clock (a double bolt) and six o’clock (a white bolt). Now you can figure out the value each hour hand points at, and the vertical boards with Roman numerals give you the order.
I – 9 Three steps clockwise from 6
II – 5 You can spot 12 o’clock by the pair of bolts with one missing, and the 6 o’clock is opposite to that. The arrow points 1 step anti-clockwise from 6.
III – 3 You can spot the white bolt for 6 o’clock, and this number is 3 steps anti-clockwise from that.
IV – 8 This number is two steps clockwise from 6.
String the numbers together and you’ll get the solution: 9538.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find a ‘rose’ in cell 17, and take Evidence Card 17.
Puzzle D
You followed the cypher and found a ‘rose’ in cell 17. Now take Evidence Card 17.
Evidence Card 17 guides you to search for something ‘white-bearded’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find a portrait of a white-bearded man in cell 4, so take Evidence Card 4 and start solving Puzzle D.
There is one strand of black-and-white rosary beads on the card. It points directly at a cup, which means that you need to find an extra card by finding a cup in the Crime Scene image – it’s in cell 16. On the extra card, there is a table with shapes, colours and numbers. The rose window on Evidence Card 4 is missing colours, but you can find the same window with colours inside the box lid. Use the directions on Evidence Card 4 for the window on the box lid, and read the results from Evidence Card 16.
Start at the top of the window and count four colour triangles (not including the red one right at the top of the circle) in direction of the candle, i.e. anti-clockwise. You’ll land on a blue triangle between two squares. Look for the value for a blue square on your key card 16 – it’s 4. Then, without losing your spot, count 8 steps in the opposite direction, i.e. clockwise. You land on a yellow triangle between two stars and get the value 2 for a yellow star from your table. The third number is 10 steps anti-clockwise, which lands you on a red triangle between two octagons – the value for a red octagon is 0. The fourth number is 14 steps clockwise, which lands you on a green triangle between two pentagons – the value for a green pentagon is 3. Lastly, go 16 steps anti-clockwise to end up on a yellow triangle between two circles – the value for a yellow circle is 4.
String the numbers together to get the solution: 42034.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find ‘666’ in cell 21, and take Evidence Card 21.
Puzzle E
You followed the cypher and found ‘666’ in cell 21. Now take Evidence Card 21.
Evidence Card 21 is a text card with four strands of black-and-white rosary beads on it, so you need to find four extra cards to solve Puzzle E. On this card, the underlined word is “stars”, so look for four stars in the Crime Scene image. Find them in cells 1, 11, 18 and 19 and take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Align your 4 extra cards by placing them partly on top of each other. Start by sliding the bottom of the ‘N’ card under the top of the ‘S’ card, and align the two parts of the shooting star with the help of the yellow and green stars underneath it. Then, slide the right edge of the ‘W’ card under the left edges of the ‘N’ and ‘S’ cards. Again, align the two parts of the shooting star with the help of the green and yellow stars, as well as the end of the table. Lastly, slide the left edge of the ‘E’ card in between the right edges of the ‘N’ card and the ‘S’ card. Use the pink star, the shooting star, the clouds and the table to place it right.
Now use the directions (N, W, E, S) on the ‘S’ card to start counting the stars visible on the cards, and use the candle to figure out the order. First, count 7 green stars on the ‘S’ card; then, 4 pink stars on ‘E’; then, 6 yellow stars on ‘N’; and finally, 5 blue stars on ‘W’. Solution: 7465.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find a ‘hoofprint’ in cell 28, and take Evidence Card 28.
Puzzle F
You followed the cypher and found a ‘hoofprint’ in cell 28. Now take Evidence Card 28 and solve puzzle F.
The three black-and-white keys tell you to look for three keys. They can be found in cells 2, 25 and 30. Take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Arrange three of the cards into straight corridor with stone blocks along the sides. You are walking along this corridor and looking at shadows on the wall. The footprint in the black square tells you which way to look. Evidence Card 2 gives you a value for each shadow you see.
Square #1: Look left. The shadow cast by the stone block to the left is shadow 7.
Square #2: Pass this next square, as the foot doesn’t turn.
Square #3: The foot turns right, so check the shadow – it is shadow 3.
Square #4: This square is lower down, in a hole in the floor, so the shadow on the left is now longer. The narrow shadow 1 is the correct choice.
Square #5: Turn right. The correct shadow is number 2.
Square #6: The foot is turned 45 degrees to the left, so the correct stone block is the last one on the left side, and the correct shadow is number 0.
Square #7: The foot points toward the last block on the right, but now the foot is further away, making the shadow longer. The correct choice is shadow 5.
String the numbers together to find the solution: 731205
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find a ‘quill’ in cell 26, and take Evidence Card 26.
Puzzle G
You followed the cypher and found a ‘quill’ in cell 26. Now take Evidence Card 26.
Evidence Card 29 guides you to search for a ‘web’ in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 20, so take Evidence Card 20 and solve Puzzle G.
Here you will need to place Evidence Card 20 inside the box lid, and line it up with the hole in the basement wall there. The coloured lines on the card point at different shapes on the lid. You now have colour and shape combinations, so you use the same colours-shapes-and-numbers key card (Evidence Card 16) as you used in puzzle D.
Follow the orange line to a square and check the value on the key card: orange square = 3. Then, follow the purple line to a pentagon shape: 7. Next, the red line leads to a circle: 8. Finally, the yellow line leads to a star: 2. Solution 3782.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find a ‘cloth’ in cell 12, and take Evidence Card 12.
Puzzle H
You followed the cypher and found a ‘cloth’ in cell 12. Now take Evidence Card 12.
Evidence Card 12 guides you to search for ‘crystals’ in the Crime Scene image. They are in cell 22, so take Evidence Card 22 and solve Puzzle H.
On Evidence Card 22, there are four hidden numbers. They can be seen in a slightly different, redder colour, than the text on the page. Each number takes up approximately a quarter of the card and spans several rows of text. The numbers should be read from left to right, and starting in the upper left corner. The second number is upside down. Solution: 4375.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find ‘ink’ in cell 7, and take Evidence Card 7.
Puzzle I
You followed the cypher and found ‘ink’ in cell 7. Now take Evidence Card 7.
Evidence Card 7 guides you to search for ‘teeth’ in the Crime Scene image. They are in cell 15, so take Evidence Card 15 and solve Puzzle I.
On this card, you can see piles of black powder on a white background. You may notice that the areas on either side of the wooden beam are each other’s mirror images. You may also notice that not all the powder piles are perfectly mirrored. You need to find numerical values for these observations. To do this, take the case folder and find a frame where you can match the small lines along one edge of the card with the frame. Make sure the lines meet their counterparts, and that the metal decoration is placed exactly on top of the one in the frame.
Once you have placed the card in the frame, you can see that the mirror card is divided into numbered columns, and each powder pile is in one of these columns. The frame tells us to look at column 9 (the 3rd one from the left), and we realize it is one which is not mirrored correctly: the outermost piles are of different sizes. Now we need to find the rest of the columns that differ. The next one is column 2 (5th from the left), then column 8 (7th from the left), and finally column 7 (last column, where the small pile is further out on one side). Solution: 9287.
Follow the cypher to the Storybook. Next, find the ‘basement’ in cell 24, and reveal the last card.
You found the ‘basement’ in cell 24, and took Evidence Card 24. The card instructs you to read Part 3 of the story. It’s time to make your final choice.
If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out “GRAB YOUR BIBLE.” When you consider the options, the only one that goes together with the bible, is b) Trust in your faith, and pray. Take Evidence Card 8 and see how the story ends.