Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: Luxor 1932 game

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In this game, you will need the lid of the game box, the case folder, and a stone tablet made of paperboard as well as the Investigation Image to solve all the puzzles. Let’s begin!

Puzzle A B C D E F G H I Endgame

Puzzle A

You have read Part 1 of the story and revealed the Evidence Card marked “Start”. You have found a ‘yellow-toned piece of paper’ in cell 25 of the Investigation Image. Now, take Evidence Card 25 and start solving Puzzle A.

There is a black-and-white string on this card, and it comes from an odd, scribbled ‘X’ on the paper. You’ll find that exact ‘X’ carved on the table in cell 22 of the Investigation Image. When you take Evidence Card 22, you’ll have all you need to solve puzzle A.

Evidence Card 25 shows a single hieroglyphic, while Evidence Card 22 shows the same hieroglyphic in 4 partial variations. However, 3 of the partial hieroglyphics show elements that differ from the original elements, and only 1 of the partial hieroglyphics actually matches the original one perfectly. Your task is to find out which one is the perfect match.

For the first option, check the petals hanging along the stem, and you’ll see that they reach almost halfway to the foot. That is much too low. For the second option, compare the width of the foot with that of the original one. You’ll see the foot of option II is much wider, it cannot be the correct one. For the third option, check the angle of the protruding part up top, and on the left. Compared to the others, you’ll see that that part of option III is turned further out from the stem. That leaves us with option IIII (or 4) which shows no false parts at all.

That makes 4 the correct answer to this puzzle.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘camel’ in cell 9 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 9.

Puzzle B

Evidence Card 9 prompted you to find a ‘key’ and you find a chain with several of them in cell 11 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 11 and start solving Puzzle B.

There is a black-and-white string coming from the chain that the keys hang on, so find an extra card from the chains of the scales on the table in cell 17 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 17. Evidence Card 11 shows us 4 keys and 4 question marks. It seems to say we need to find a value for each key. Well, maybe Card 17 can help us with that. Card 17 shows us 26 keys, and we can assume they are of the same kinds as on the chain on Card 11. Once we realize that each key has two distinct features, we can count the number of keys of each type. The two features are the teeth at the very end of the key, but also the hole from which it hangs on the chain.

The first key has a long tooth on the end of the key, and a separate short tooth above that one. It also hangs from a narrow hole, as opposed to a wide one. We can divide Card 17 into two halves down the middle, leaving 12 keys on the left, and 14 on the right. On the left-hand side, we can easily spot 3 keys of this kind just by looking at the teeth. On the right-hand side, we can spot 4 such keys. One key is not perfectly visible, but its upper tooth is long, and it cannot be of the first type. So, the first value we get is 3 + 4 = 7.

The second key has the teeth of the first key inverted: a short tooth at the end, and a long one above it. The hole from which it hangs is a wide one. On the left-hand side of the Card, there are only 2 keys of this type, and on the right-hand side, we can spot 3 of them. Two of them lie below other keys, but the teeth are still visible. The partially visible key could be of this type. It has a long separate upper tooth and a wide hole it hangs from, and no other key matches that description. So, we get 2 + 4 = 6 for this type.

The third key has two long teeth, separate from each other, and hangs from a narrow hole. We find 4 of that kind on the left-hand side of the card, and 4 on the right-hand side. We get 4 + 4 = 8 for this type of key.

The fourth key is the only one whose teeth are combined together as one part. Both teeth are long. We find 3 of this type on the left-hand side, and 2 on the right-hand side. One of the ones on the right-hand side may be harder to spot, but we can see its two teeth are combined together as one part, which makes it count for this type. The total is thus 3 + 2 = 5.

When we string these numbers together, we get the solution: 7685 (and the sum of these numbers is 26, which matches our original count).

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘letter’ under the newspaper in cell 19 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 19.

Puzzle C

Evidence Card 19 prompted you to find a ‘papyrus scroll’ on the table outside the cabin in cell 12 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 12 and start solving Puzzle C.

You have noticed that the folder that comes with the game has the puzzle symbols C, G, and I, so this will be the first time you’ll need it.

The Card shows us 20 pairs of hieroglyphics, where each pair is connected with a pair of letters. We also find a picture with 48 such pairs in the folder, but these lack the letters. The Card also shows us 3 empty pairs of lines, indicating we are looking for 3 pairs of letters. Which 3 should we single out? When we start to compare the two sets of hieroglyphic pairs, we will realize that most pairs from the folder cannot be found on the Card. The quickest way to find the 3 pairs that can be found in both pictures may be to start from the Card, and quickly browse for the left symbol in the folder and then check the right when the eye finds one. For example: Start with the Lion Lying Down. There is only 1 such symbol on the left-hand side in the folder, and that is not together with a Big Bird. Moving on! Only one Foot to the left, and that one is with a round Easter Egg, not with a Square Thingy. Next! There’s only one Bowl to the left, and that one IS together with a Big Bird. We have found our first match. We get KA for that one.

When we continue like this, we also find Egg Shape/Oval and Zig Zag for RN, and finally Big Bird and Bowl for AK.

We string these together from left to right and get the solution: KARNAK.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, look for a ‘lock’ in the Investigation Image. You will find a briefcase with a visible lock by the latch in cell 26, so take Evidence Card 26.

Puzzle D

Evidence Card 26 prompted you to look for a ‘weight’, and you’ll find a traditional lead weight on the second table outside the cabin in cell 14 of the Investigation Image. So, take Evidence Card 14 and solve Puzzle D.

A black-and-white string with the number 2 comes from the drawings of the scarab and the ibis. You will find an ibis in the sky of cell 2 of the Investigation Image, and a live scarab on the floor in cell 27. Take Evidence Cards 2 and 27, as they are the extra cards needed for this puzzle.

All these cards show scales and weights, so those seem to be the theme for this puzzle. Card 14 shows us especially two pieces of information. On the piece of paper, it tells us a Circle weight, a Square weight, and a Triangle weight weigh 6 ounces together. On the scales, we can also see the Stone Tablet weighs the same as 2 Square weights and 1 Triangle weight. Our job is now to figure out how many ounces the Stone Tablet weighs.

We’ll start with Card 2 where we can see the Ibis weighs 5 ounces. The card also shows us 5 ounces is the weight of a Triangle weight together with a Square weight. From this we can deduce the weight of the Circle weight. A Circle weight must weigh exactly 1 ounce since the total weight dropped from 6 to 5 when the Circle weight was removed. Great! Circle weight equals 1 ounce.

Next, we take Card 27 and the Scarab. This card actually gives us the rest of the information we need. First, we see that the Scarab weighs 3 ounces. The card shows us that 3 ounces is the weight of a Circle weight together with a Triangle weight. If we remove the Circle weight, with its weight of 1 ounce, we’ll be left with 2 ounces, which must be the weight of the Triangle. And since the added weight of the Circle and the Triangle is 3 ounces, the weight of the Square has to be 3 ounces too (Triangle + Circle + Square is supposed to weigh 6 ounces, remember?).

So, 2 Square weights and 1 Triangle weight weigh 2 x 3 ounces + 1 x 2 ounces, which equals 8 ounces. That is the solution!

Follow the cipher to the storybook. It guides you to look for the number ‘four’. You’ll find the clock on the wall in cell 10 of the Investigation Image has just struck 4. Take Evidence Card 10.

Puzzle E

Evidence Card 10 prompted you to look for ‘crocodile skin’. You’ll find the box in cell 24 of the Investigation Image seems to be covered with crocodile skin, so take Evidence Card 24 and solve Puzzle E.

Evidence Card 24 shows a black-and-white string coming from the leather band. You’ll find the extra card from the crocodile tooth necklace in cell 21 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 21.

The two cards show different parts of the necklace, and they can be fit together to let the band run unbroken from one to the other. Place Card 21 below Card 24. You’ll see some arrows on the band showing you in which way to move. The 3 question marks tell you you’ll need 3 numbers for your solution. On the band, there are 3 crocodile teeth. Maybe they could give you the numbers you need.

You will notice that each tooth points clearly inside one of the areas on the surface of the skin. Could these areas give you the answers you are looking for? Well, each area has a set number of edges that it is made up of. Counting these would give us a number for each tooth. We start with the lone tooth on Card 24. It points inside a big area with 6 sides that are quite easy to count. Some of the sides are a bit curved, but still end with an angled corner at both ends. Our first number could thus be a 6.

The second tooth points at a more irregularly shaped area. Following the same logic as for the first number, we can count 5 sides for this area. Finally, for the last tooth, we can only count 4 sides.

When we string these numbers together, we get the solution: 654.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find ‘boots’ under the chair in the Investigation Image in cell 30, and take Evidence Card 30.

Puzzle F

Evidence Card 30 prompted you to look for a ‘hat’, which is quite easy to find. There it is on the bed in cell 16 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 16 and solve Puzzle F.

Evidence Card 30 prompted you to look for a ‘hat’, which is quite easy to find. There it is on the bed in cell 16 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 16 and solve Puzzle F.

On Evidence Card 16, you see a black-and-white string with the number 3 next to it coming from what looks to be a black pearl. Let’s see if we can find pearls like that in the Investigation Image. There’s one on the end of the string coming from the lamp. That one is in cell 6. There’s a second one in the back of the chair in cell 15. The last one is on the floor under the table in cell 29. So, let’s take Evidence Cards 6, 15, and 29.

The four cards we have can be placed together to form a square, so let’s do that first. Use the black edges to form a rectangular frame around some strange triangle shapes. The pearl is situated in the top right card, while the bottom right card has a black hole on it. The pearl card also tells us we are looking for no less than 6 numbers to add together. We realize there are numbers along the inner edges of the cards. So, if our task is to transport the pearl to the hole, and we do it by moving it across all cards, we will end up with 6 numbers. Let’s give it a try!

We can see that some stronger lines lead out from the pearl. If we assume the pearl can only travel on unbroken lines like this, we can see that the line going downwards and to the left from the pearl is our only option if we wish to reach the left edge of the card. And we do! Following that line through all its twists and turns, we reach the bottommost exit of the card, the one numbered with a 4.

Now, as the cards lie, we enter the next card by a new number 4 and are then steered downwards to an exit with yet a 4. But there our run stops! Examining the second card, we realize entering it by its lowest entrance is no good. And if the cards only lay static like this, why would we need a numbering both for the exit and for the entrance? Let’s slide the two cards to the left downwards four small notches, so that we can enter the second card by the entrance numbered with a 2.

When we follow that line, we eventually reach the bottom edge of the card, and we reach it by the exit numbered with a 3. If we enter the next card by the entrance numbered with a 4, our run will again end very quickly. This time we will have to slide the two bottom cards to the right.

Only when we slide the two cards to the right, so that we align the bottom left card’s number 1 entrance, can we enter a line that reaches the right end of the card unbroken. Following that line, we reach exit number 2 on the right-hand edge of this third card. Now we just need to enter the fourth card on the correct line, and we are finished!

We can even follow the line backwards from the finish, but however we do it, we find that the line starting from entrance number 2 is the correct one.

Now we have six numbers that we can add together: 4, 2, 3, 1, 2, and 2.

Solution: 4 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 14.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, look for a ‘temple’ in cell 8 of the Investigation Image, and take Evidence Card 8.

Puzzle G

Evidence Card 8 prompted you to look for ‘photographs’. You’ll find a photograph of a pyramid in the upper right corner of the Investigation Image in cell 5. Take Evidence Card 5 and solve puzzle G!

This is the second time we need to use the Case Folder, which is Jonathan’s diary as well. When you open it up and look at the map on the right-hand side, you will see elements like the ones shown as more photos on Card 5.

The first picture shows a terraced, pyramid like structure. We’ll notice we can find the same structure on the map, by the name Meidum. The second photo shows a square, windowed building found by Beni Hasan. The third one shows the statue of Ramses the II with his arms crossed. We can find the same statue on the map, by the name Karnak. The fourth one with pillars we will find by the name Abydos. And the fifth one is Giza.

Now, if you take a closer look at the names of those places, you will see they actually look like this: MeiduM, BenI Hasan, KarNak, AbYdos and GizA. If you string those five letters together, you can form another place name: MINYA.

Solution: String the letters you found together, and you get MINYA.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find ‘medicine’ in a bottle on the table. It is in cell 18 of the Investigation Image, so take Evidence Card 18.

Puzzle H

The word ‘stones’ is underlined in Card 18, so let’s look for something made of stone. We’ll find the Stone Tablet in the middle of the table in cell 23. Take Evidence Card 23 and solve puzzle H.

Now this is the moment we use the box lid to solve the puzzle! Card 23 also shows some symbols we may recognize right off: the sun, the star, and the double arms. Those are symbols we can see on the Stone Tablet as well. So, let’s use the box lid and the Stone Tablet (made of paperboard) to solve this one.

Card 23 tells us we need three numbers for this solution. It further shows us 3 lines of symbols. We can possibly suppose that each line somehow will result in one of the three numbers needed. Let’s work from the top down: the Stone Tablet has three holes in it, and the rows could be telling us what hieroglyphs we need to see through those holes.

On the first line, there are only two symbols. The “sun” and a “circle and half circle” hieroglyph. We will see that one of the holes in the Stone Tablet could be called a “sun hole”. Let’s find the “circle and half circle” hieroglyph from the floor of the box lid. We find it on the second line from the bottom, and quite near the center. Now, we have to place Anubis on his head to make that hieroglyph show through the “sun hole” of the tablet, but that’s not a problem. Once that is done, we realize we now need a number of some kind to build towards the required solution. There’s a red arrow on the stone tablet, but how should we know what direction it should be pointing in? Well, let’s try the different options. Lock the position of the “sun hole” by placing your finger on top of the hieroglyph we found through the hole, then slowly rotate the tablet around your finger. When the red arrow is pointing diagonally up to the left, it will be very close to two lines in the same color as the arrow. That seems to be what we were looking for! Two lines could stand for the value 2.

The second line tells us we need a “sarcophagus” in the “star hole”, and a “jar” in the “arm hole”. We find the “sarcophagus” on the sixth line from the bottom, and quite near the center, but a little further to the right. When we align the “star hole” with that hieroglyph and rotate the tablet, we will soon find the “jar” for “arm hole”. And now the arrow points to four red lines. The value of this line is 4!

Then the third line. Perhaps those two sails or knives could be the easiest hieroglyph to spot. There seems to be only one of those, and we find that one on the third line from the top and pretty far to the right. Now the card tells us that that symbol should be seen in the “star hole” behind the shoulder of Anubis, so let’s place the Tablet like that. Now put your finger in that hole to lock that hole in its place, and start rotating the Tablet slowly around that finger. When Anubis is pretty horizontal, with his ears pointing to the right, we will see those two other hieroglyphs in the two other holes! We see the triple hieroglyph in the “sun hole” and the foot and stave in the “arm hole”. Now what about the number? We see the red arrow is now pointing towards a bunch of red lines. There are eight of those lines, so the value of this line is 8!

Solution: 248.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘mirror’ in cell 1 of the Investigation Image and take Evidence Card 1.

Puzzle I

Evidence Card 1 prompted you to look for something ‘jackal-headed’. You’ll find the statue on the table in cell 20 of the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 20 and solve Puzzle I.

This card tells you you need a second card, and the black-and-white string seems to come from the cat-headed goddess Bast. We’ll find a cat in cell 28, and the string on that card matches! Well done. Now let’s see how this puzzle is solved.

The main card also says we will need three numbers again, so that is what we are looking for. We also see that 6 push-buttons on the wall each show a number. Those could be useful!

The second card has a bit more text on it than we are used to, and that text seems to be an instruction of some kind. Let’s start by reading the first part of the text. It refers to the figures on the main card by name. Maybe you have seen the god figures’ names in the case folder (the diary)? That’s where we find which figure is which god.

First, we are supposed to find a push-button, which is equally far from Anubis’ and Osiris’ buttons. We will find that Thoth, who has a long beak, has a button that matches that description. What is the value of that button? Well, there are 6 lines on it, so let’s call it a 6!

Second, we are supposed to move between buttons, until we stop on one. We are supposed to start from Anubis’ button, and then take a “step forward” from it. Since they are all looking to the right, we can assume that is the direction of “forward”. This will land us on Ra’s button. Then we are asked to take “half of a four times longer step” in the other direction. So, a four times longer step would be 4 steps long, and half of that is 2 steps. So, we take 2 steps to the left (or backwards). That lands us on the very first button of them all. The lady at the end seems to be called Maat, and the value of her button is 2.

Then the third one… It could be a little tricky! The book tells us the position of the last button is found by adding together the positions of three other buttons. If we add together anything else than the first three positions (1, 2, and 3) we will end up with a position higher than 6, and we only have 6 positions! That’s the only reason we need to add together those exact positions. When we do, we get 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, which is the position of the last button. The value of that last button is 1. That’s it!

Solution: 621.

Follow the cipher to the storybook. Find the ‘dunes’ in cell 7, which is the only cell the card of which is still available in the Investigation Image. Take Evidence Card 7.


You found the ‘dune’ in cell 7 of the Investigation Image and took Evidence Card 7. The card instructs you to read Part 3 of the story. It is time to make your final choice.

If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out “EXAMINE THE WALLS”.

Since “examining” is clearly different from digging, the best choice could be: b) Find another way out. Take Evidence Card 4 and discover how the story ends.