Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: Helsinki 2012 game
If you struggle to find some paragraphs, check the red paragraph numbers in the corners of your text cards!
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Puzzle A B C D E F G H Endgame
Puzzle A
You have read Part 1 of the story, and revealed the Evidence Card marked “Start.” The card prompts you find a ‘sewer’ in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 14, so take Evidence Card 14 and solve Puzzle A.
Evidence Card 14 has four black-and-white strings on it, so you need to find four extra cards to solve Puzzle A. Look at the Crime Scene image on the board and try to find four different cells where you can see the HSSW logo. They are in cells 11, 20, 22 and 30. Now, take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Build a maze out of the cards by matching the pipes and the map in the background. Then follow the path for each colour to assign a number to it. The number for yellow is 3, the number for red is 7, and the number for blue is 5. The “green” pipe runs under the “blue” pipe, until it turns left just before the blue starting point, so the number for green is 9. Blue is a 5. Find the right order for the numbers in the HSSW logo to arrive at the correct solution: 3795.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘seagull’ in cell 2, and take Evidence Card 2.
Puzzle B
You followed the cypher and found a ‘seagull’ in cell 2. Now take Evidence Card 2.
Evidence Card 2 has four black-and-white strings on it, so you need to find four extra cards to solve Puzzle B. The underlined word on this card is ‘dogwalker’, so search both of the Crime Scene images for four dogwalkers. They are in cells 8, 15, 27 and 23 (the symbol painted on the sidewalk), so take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Evidence Card 27 tells you what to do – ‘eye’ + ‘hand.’ This means that you must add up the numbers that the characters see, and the numbers on the objects they are holding. Follow the lines of sight of the statues and examine the objects they are holding. This way, you get the numbers you should add up. Note that the numbers are Roman numerals!
Evidence Card 8: The woman with branch and basket is looking at number 4 and is holding number 3.
Evidence Card 15: The boy with wings is holding number 6, and the woman is looking at number 9.
Evidence Card 23: The lion is looking at number 2 (near the top of the pedestal) and the woman is holding numbers 5 and 3.
Evidence Card 27: The man is holding number 10, and the woman is holding the number 5.
Add up all these numbers to get the solution: 47.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘can’ in cell 18, and take Evidence Card 18.
Puzzle C
You followed the cypher and found a ‘can’ in cell 18. Now take Evidence Card 18.
Evidence Card 18 guides you to search for a ‘chemical engineer’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find him in cell 12, so take Evidence Card 12.
Four of the objects have hidden values on them, while the fifth is the phone that instructs us to find those four numbers. The rings of the keys are coloured yellow to show the number 3. The teeth on the comb are shaded to show the number 5. The cigarette pack shows a clock with a + sign in the middle, and the hands are pointing at 6 and 3, making the total value 9. The credit card has a number pad, with number 8 highlighted. The right order for the numbers is on Evidence Card 18, where the same words are highlighted. The order is: keys, comb, cigarettes, credit card. So, the solution is 3598
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘banner’ in cell 9, and take Evidence Card 9.
Puzzle D
You followed the cypher and found a ‘banner’ in cell 9. Now take Evidence Card 9.
Evidence Card 9 guides you to search for a ‘drone’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find it in cell 4, so take Evidence Card 4. The symbol on the corner of this Evidence Card tells you that you need to add up the number of some cells.
Find these four items in the lid image (the drone shot). You find the hot dog cart in cell 23; the ambulance in cell 21; the recycling bin in cell 26; and the spotter (the police with binoculars) is standing on the church roof in cell 25. Add up these numbers to get the solution: 95.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find some ’pigeons’ in cell 19, and take Evidence Card 19.
Puzzle E
You followed the cypher and found some ‘pigeons’ in cell 19. Now take Evidence Card 19.
Evidence Card 19 guides you to search for a ‘radio-controlled car’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find it in cell 13, so take Evidence Card 13.
Evidence Card 13 has three black-and-white strings on it, so you need to find three extra cards to solve Puzzle E.
The strings are tacked to a radio symbol. Can you see three radio symbols in the Crime Scene image? You’ll find them in cells 6, 7 and 10. These three cards form a grid with yellow coordinates on the vertical axis, and red coordinates on the horizontal one. Evidence Card 13 gives you points in the system to travel between. Draw lines between those points, and you will end up with shapes that look like numbers that make up the solution: 740.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘flag’ in cell 21, and take Evidence Card 21.
Puzzle F
You followed the cypher and found a ‘flag’ in cell 21. Now take Evidence Card 21.
Evidence Card 19 guides you to search for a ‘red market stall’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find it in cell 28, so take Evidence Card 28.
The price of the glass of water is actually determined by the number of cucumber slices. The first line is worth 6€ (1 + 2 + 3), with each slice costing 1€. That means that the second line is 3 + 4 + 4, making the cost of the pastry 4€. The third line is 1 + 4 + 1, making the cost of the gingerbread 1€. On the last, line there is a multiplication, then an addition: 1 x 4 + 1, and the solution is 5.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘coin’ in cell 17, and take Evidence Card 17.
Puzzle G
You followed the cypher and found a ‘coin’ in cell 17. Now take Evidence Card 17.
Evidence Card 17 guides you to search for an ‘electrical cabinet’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find it in cell 29, so take Evidence Card 29.
Evidence Card 14 has a black-and-white string on it, so you need to find one extra card to solve Puzzle G. There is a roll of red tape on the Evidence Card. Try to find the same red tape somewhere in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 1.
Now count the different stickers on Evidence Card 14, and check the correct order for the numbers on Evidence Card 1. There are 9 of the first sticker, 3 of the second, and 6 of the last one, making the solution 936.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. The word it leads you to find is ‘twenty,’ and there are 20 birds in cell 3. Take Evidence Card 3.
Puzzle H
You followed the cypher and found ‘twenty’ birds in cell 3. Now take Evidence Card 3.
Evidence Card 3 guides you to search for a ‘white van’ in the Crime Scene image. You’ll find it in cell 26 so take Evidence Card 26.
As you look at the card, you can see several clues as to what to do. First, you can see that you need to find five numbers that are found on the back of Evidence Cards – but they are not the red numbers in the right bottom corner of each Evidence Card. Secondly, you can find these Evidence Cards by fingerprints. Now, study your Evidence Board. Can you find five such cards? You will find fingerprints on Evidence Cards 4 (the print is by the button, on the right edge of the tablet); 12 (the print is on the screen of the smart phone); 13 (the print is on the controller); and 28 (the print is on the yellow piece of paper in the bottom right corner of the card). The last fingerprint is on Evidence Card 26, by the number pad. This Evidence Cards gives you the order in which to place these numbers (the black columns of different lengths), making the solution 35381.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘police’ van in cell 24, and take Evidence Card 24.
You found a ‘police’ van in cell 24, and took Evidence Card 24. The card instructs you to read Part 3 of the story. It’s time to make your final choice.
If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out, “NOT GAS OR BATTERY.”
The right course of action is to c) Turn the tap in the liquid cylinder to neutralise the acid. Take Evidence Card 19 and see how the story ends.