Explanations and solutions to the full Crime Scene: London 1892 game
If you struggle to find some paragraphs, check the red paragraph numbers in the corners of your text cards!
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Puzzle A B C D E F G H Endgame
Puzzle A
You have read Part 1 of the story, and revealed the Evidence Card marked “Start”.
The Evidence card prompts you to find a ‘knife’ in cell 9. Take Evidence Card 9 to reach puzzle A.
Place the Evidence Card against the left side of the Crime Scene image by matching the stone pattern on the wall. This forms a sentence with mathematical symbols in it: D1D YOU M1S5 ME + 100. The street sign for Osborne Street (on the Evidence Card) instructs us to read the E mirrored, so we get 1153 + 100, which equals 1253.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘quill’ in cell 12, and take Evidence Card 12.
Puzzle B
The cypher led you to find a ‘quill’ in the Crime Scene image. You find it in cell 12. Now take Evidence Card 12.
The underlined word on Evidence Card 12 guides you to find a ‘newspaper’ in cell 6. Take Evidence Card 6 to solve Puzzle B.
The symbol on the corner of this Evidence Card tells you that you need to add up the number of some cells. Next to the handprint, you can see number 5. Now, try to find 5 handprints in the Crime Scene image. You will find them in cells 3, 14, 18, 24 and 26. When you add up these numbers, you get the solution: 85.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘pincers in cell 10, and take Evidence Card 10.
Puzzle C
The cypher led you to find the word ‘pincers’ in the storybook. Looking at the Crime Scene image, you can find pincers in cell 10, so take Evidence Card 10.
Evidence Card 10 guides you to search for a ‘castle’ in the Crime Scene image. It is in cell 3, so take Evidence Card 3. You’ll see that it has three black-and-white strings on it – so you need three extra cards to solve Puzzle C. You can see a piece of a chess board in the picture, so take a look at the Crime Scene image. Are there any chess boards? They can be found in cells 1, 5 and 20.
Arrange the three chessboard cards partially on top of each other, to form a complete 8×8 chess board. Then follow the instruction of visiting 4 white framed squares (either black or white) with four moves by the “rook.” The rook only moves in straight lines. There is only one way to do it without going back and forth. Solution: 2-6-1-9.
Follow the cypher. Next, find a ‘plate’ in cell 15, and take Evidence Card 15.
Puzzle D
The cypher led you to find the word ‘plate’ in paragraph 9. Looking at the Crime Scene image, you can find a plate in cell 15, so take Evidence Card 15.
Evidence Card 15 guides you to find a ‘letter’ in the Crime Scene image. The card has black-and-white strings on it, and if you look closely, you can find three letters (in cells 2, 22 and 25). Take all three Evidence Cards. Now you can solve Puzzle D.
The master fingerprint is marked with a “?”. All other fingerprints have case numbers. The task is to find the one fingerprint that is exactly the same as the master fingerprint. The correct answer is the case number of that fingerprint: 172.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find ‘four’ in cell 8 (the clock has struck 4), and take Evidence Card 8.
Puzzle E
The cypher led you to find the word the clock showing ‘four’ in the Crime Scene image. You find it in cell 8. Now take Evidence Card 8.
Evidence Card 15 guides you to find a ‘rat’ in the Crime Scene image. It is lurking in cell 30.
Match the faint markings on the edges of the card with the similarly faint markings on the bottom edge of the Crime Scene image. When you do this, you create three numbers. “7” is associated with the ring, “3” is associated with the coin, and “9” is associated with the cork.
Can you see the compass rose with an arrow pointing North on the Evidence Card? This means that you need to look at the map inside the game bod lid. Following the red line north from the compass rose, you find “£”, a ring and a barrel. This gives you the order for the numbers you formed, making the correct solution 379.
Follow the cypher. Next, find a ‘flame’ in cell 16 (not an actual flame, but rather a carving depicting one), and take Evidence Card 16.
Puzzle F
The cypher led you to find a ‘flame’ in the Crime Scene image. You find it in cell 16. Now take Evidence Card 16.
Evidence Card 16 guides you to find a ‘dog’ in the Crime Scene image. It is hiding in cell 13.
The three black-and-white strings tell you that you need three extra cards to solve Puzzle F. There are some animal tracks in the snow on the Evidence Card – maybe you need to find more animals in the Crime Scene image? There is a pigeon in cell 4; a lizard in cell 7; and a snake in cell 23. Take the corresponding Evidence Cards.
Line up the three extra cards by matching the pieces of the pipe. There are numbers hidden in the wall, behind the ladder, underneath the pipe, on the vine, and on the bricks and plaster – two on the left card, one on the middle card, and two on the right card. Find them and add them up. The numbers, from left to right, are 3-4-8-5-3, and the solution is 23.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find the ‘footprints’ cell 27, and take Evidence Card 27.
Puzzle G
The cypher led you to find ‘footprints’ in the Crime Scene image. You find them in cell 27. Now take Evidence Card 27.
Evidence Card 27 guides you to find ‘bread’ in the Crime Scene image. However, there are two black-and-white strings on the card. Look closely. You’ll find a loaf of bread in cell 14, and a baguette in cell 29. Take the matching Evidence Cards.
Look at the signs to find out what you need to do. To get a number value for each oven, do the following: Count the number of vertical bars under the oven, add the number of lines used to draw the geometrical shape in the oven, and finally subtract the number of loaves in the oven. The other sign says start with the highest paddle and then move on the shorter ones. Highest paddle is: 4 + 3 – 3 = 4, second is 8 (already given to us), third is 4 + 1 (lines used for a circle) – 0 = 5, and fourth is 2 + 4 -3 = 3. The solution is 4853.
Follow the cypher to the storybook. Next, find a ‘gun’ cell 28, and take Evidence Card 28.
Puzzle H
The cypher led you to find a ‘gun’ in the Crime Scene image. You find it in cell 28. Now take Evidence Card 28.
Evidence Card 27 guides you to find the name ‘Hallbury’ in the Crime Scene image, and the black-and-white strings on the card tell you that you will find it in four cells – 11, 18, 21 and 24. Take the matching Evidence Cards to solve Puzzle H.
Use the map in the game box lid to assign a number to each of the four extra cards. The buildings are: A church (9), a train depot (3), a factory (1), and a bell tower (2). The order of the numbers comes from the hint on the side of the train: “East to West,” making the solution 2931.
Follow the cypher. Next, find a ‘lock’ cell 17, and take Evidence Card 17.
You found a ‘lock’ in cell 17, and took Evidence Card 17. The card instructs you to read Part 3 of the story. It’s time to make your final choice.
If you have all of your Reputation Cards, they spell out, “KEEP HIM TALKING”.
The right course of action is a) Play along with Hallbury until assistance arrives. Take Evidence Card 19 and see how the story ends.